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    about us Huicheng Glass is a manufacturer mainly engaged in glass bottle products.
    Xuzhou Wise Glassware Co., Ltd. is a glass bottle manufacturer located in the Xuan Baduan Glass Bottle Industrial Development Zone. The transportation is convenient, and roads, railways and waterways extend in all directions. Factory, carton factory.
    联系我们: 遂溪县| 门头沟区| 涟水县| 陇西县| 长汀县| 青神县| 莆田市| 邮箱| 和政县| 于田县| 松江区| 衡阳市| 凤山县| 景泰县| 禄丰县| 双柏县| 民县| 新邵县| 若羌县| 米脂县| 磐安县| 陇西县| 巴塘县| 安岳县| 白银市| 汉源县| 友谊县| 民乐县| 建德市| 乌鲁木齐市| 嘉峪关市| 如皋市| 汕尾市| 连云港市| 丰原市| 子洲县| 远安县| 定陶县| 关岭| 绥滨县| 抚远县|