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Discussion on the quality factors of liquor glass bottle Release time: 2020-05-07 Visited: 565 Times

With the rapid development of white wine industry, white wine glass bottle, as the first choice of wine packaging products, has also developed rapidly in recent years. It is reported that its chemical composition is stable, with good acid corrosion resistance and barrier ability. Able to maintain the wine quality for a long time. Not only that, after careful design of the bottle shape novel. However, the formation of these advantages is composed of many factors. If not used properly, the characteristics of the bottle will be lost. So, today, let's take a look at the quality of white wine glass bottles?

1、 Technical factors of liquor glass bottle manufacturers. The technical strength of a glass bottle manufacturer is the hard strength of a successful liquor glass bottle production. When consumers choose glass bottle manufacturers, they should try their best to choose manufacturers with advanced production technology, advanced enterprise culture and business philosophy. Such manufacturers often have good reputation and good reputation. The liquor glass bottle products produced by the lock are more close to the needs of customers.

2、 Mold factor. The design quality of glass bottle mold will directly determine the quality of liquor glass bottle. A successful mould will minimize the production error of liquor glass bottle. However, an unsuccessful glass bottle mold of liquor can not meet the needs of customers, and will cause waste of resources and costs.

3、 Annealing operation. The annealing operation after forming will directly affect the quality of glass wine bottle after cooling production. (whether there is cold explosion or not) the glass bears the drastic change of temperature and shape in the forming process, which often leaves thermal stress in the glass products. The thermal stress greatly reduces the strength and stability of glass products. Therefore, the glass products must be kept warm or cooled slowly within a certain temperature range after forming to reduce the thermal stress value, so as to ensure the quality of glass products.

4、 Artificial technology. The operation technology of an enterprise's staff will directly affect the quality of products. A successful white wine bottle manufacturer lock with a team of workers are often very skilled.

Therefore, the requirements for  a good white wine glass bottle are very strict, because a little mistake may affect the taste of the wine and lose the original mellow flavor. We also hope that when you buy, you can make a field investigation and test the fineness of the workmanship, so that our wine will give full play to its original flavor!

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