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Glass bottle manufacturers help you analyze the advantages and performance of glass bottles Release time: 2020-06-04 Visited: 488 Times

Glass bottle manufacturers help you analyze the advantages and performance of glass bottles

Advantages of glass bottle packaging:

1. The glass bottle can be used repeatedly to reduce the packaging cost;

2. The glass can easily change the color and transparency;

3. The glass bottle material has good barrier performance, which can well prevent the invasion of oxygen and other gases to the contents, and can also prevent the volatile components of the contents from volatilizing to the atmosphere;

4. The glass bottle is safe and sanitary, has good corrosion resistance and acid resistance, and is suitable for the packaging of acid substances (such as vegetable juice drinks, etc.).

Therefore, glass products are loved by many people and widely used in every corner of daily life.

The glass raw material is quartz sand as the main raw material, and other auxiliary materials are dissolved into liquid state under high temperature, then injected into the mold, cooled, cut and tempered, forming a glass bottle. Glass bottle generally has a rigid mark, which is also made of mold shape. According to the manufacturing method, the glass bottle can be divided into three types: manual blowing, mechanical blowing and extrusion molding. The glass bottle can be divided into the following categories according to the composition: first, sodium calcium glass, second, crystal glass and third, high borosilicate glass.

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