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Introduction to glass bottle production Release time: 2020-06-21 Visited: 614 Times

In the process of improving the weight, production and molding speed, personalization and flexibility of glass products, the quality of glass products is a very important factor. When improving the production and forming process control of glass bottle and can products, the product quality of glass bottle and can products must also be a very important factor of concern. It is very important that the quality and performance of glass bottle products remain unchanged no matter what changes are made in the molding process.

From the point of view of forming process control and product quality of glass bottle and can products, it is very important to evenly distribute glass in the whole bottle and can products. In this way, the glass bottle products can have enough wall thickness to bear the stress contact from the glass forming equipment. Of course, the wall thickness of glass bottle and can products does not have to be too thick, otherwise it will cause excessive raw materials consumption, excessive energy consumption and use, excessive waste discharge and other consequences, so the cost of glass bottle and can products will increase.

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