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Discussion on glass bottle with tinplate rotating cap Release time: 2020-04-28 Visited: 578 Times

When the glass bottle is matched with the unscrewing bottle cap, it is required to have high temperature sterilization and strong sealing performance, which has strict requirements on tinplate material, coating adhesive and dropping adhesive.

At present, our domestic tinplate manufacturers basically use imported tinplate, and the quality elasticity will be very good, superior to the domestic product quality, and the price will not vary too much.

In the food bottled in glass, such as bean curd, chili sauce, honey and other products that do not need high temperature, the low-temperature glue and styrofoam can be used as the inner drop glue of the bottle cap. Because of the low density of the drop glue material, the drop glue can be tightened immediately when rotating the cap, which has good sealing performance to the bottle mouth, no leakage and oil seepage, and is very popular with food packaging manufacturers.

Food packaging, such as canned glass bottles, high-temperature sterilized drinks, caviar, abalone and sea cucumber, must use high-temperature gutta percha when supporting the unscrewing bottle cap When the seed is used to unscrew the bottle cap, due to the high density of the dropper, the surface of the dropper is very smooth and does not need to be screwed too tightly at first. When the temperature reaches 110 ℃ or above, the dropper will be closed with the bottle mouth under high pressure to achieve the sealing effect. The bottle cap of this process will be slightly more expensive than the low-temperature rubber bottle cap of the same specification.

There are also some foods, which do not need high temperature sterilization, but have strong corrosiveness. When this kind of food is packed with tinplate cover, the requirements for the adhesive on the surface of the bottle cover are very strict. Because many foods fail to be handled properly on the packaging of the glass bottle cover and the products do not exceed the shelf life, it will be found that the bottle cover is rusty, which brings a lot of losses to the food factory.

Generally, the unscrewing bottle mouth produced by the glass bottle factory is in line with the national standard. The bottle cap factory can also match the bottle cap according to the standard, but there will also be problems such as nonstandard operation and non combination of matching. The experience of many manufacturers is to match the bottle cap according to the glass bottle mouth after making the glass bottle, which will reduce many unnecessary losses

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