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How is the glass bottle formed? Glass bottle production process Release time: 2020-04-29 Visited: 1500 Times

Glass has been widely used in modern times, and has always been a product with large market demand. Through the use of specific treatment methods, we can not only give full play to the characteristics of glass, but also make up for its defects, no longer subject to the natural properties of glass. For example, the laminated glass can not only insulate heat, but also the debris will not splash and hurt people, which is safe and reliable. Next, we will introduce the production process of glass bottle container and how the glass bottle is formed in batches.

1、 Production process of glass bottle container

The production process of glass bottle mainly includes:

① Raw material pre-processing. The massive raw materials (quartz sand, soda ash, limestone, feldspar, etc.) are crushed to dry the wet raw materials. The iron containing raw materials are removed to ensure the quality of glass.

② Batch preparation.

③ Fusion. The glass mixture is heated at high temperature (1550 ~ 1600 ℃) in the tank furnace or pool furnace to form a liquid glass which is uniform, bubble free and meets the forming requirements.

④ Forming. Put the liquid glass into the mold to make the required shape of glass products, such as flat plates, various utensils, etc.

⑤ Heat treatment. Through annealing, quenching and other processes, it can eliminate or produce the internal stress, phase separation or crystallization of the glass, and change the structural state of the glass.

2、 How are glass bottles made in batches

Taking the determinant bottle making machine as an example, the glass bottle forming process includes:

1. Blowing blowing forming process of the determinant bottle maker. The blowing blowing method is mainly used for the manufacture of small caliber glass bottles and cans. The technological process is as follows: charging → puffing → back blowing (primary blowing → prototype turning → positive blowing and bottle solidification cooling → bottle clamping → cooling and conveying.

2. The press blow molding process of the determinant bottle making machine. The press blow method is mainly used in the manufacture of large-diameter glass bottles and cans. Its technological process is: charging → stamping to make the prototype → prototype inflation → prototype (primary) bottle turning over → positive blowing and solidification cooling → bottle clamping → cooling and conveying.

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