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?玻璃瓶生產廠家提高玻璃瓶硬度的主要技術有哪些方面 Release time: 2020-07-06 Visited: 719 Times

The first is the transparency of glass bottles. The transparency of glass bottles can give customers a clean visual impression. The hardness and quality of glass bottles can enhance customers' confidence. Many manufacturers improve the quality of glass containers by cold and thermal spraying, and the inner and outer walls of glass bottles.

Another way to improve the hardness of the container by adding powder into the wall heating is to reduce the cracks on the surface and inside of the glass bottle, so as to improve the hardness of the glass bottle and improve the product quality. The specific principle of this method is: when the glass bottle comes out of the molding mold of the bottle making machine, the multi particle ammonium sulfate powder is put into the bottle through the automatic powder spraying machine, and then annealed in the annealing furnace.

The automatic powder feeder is equipped with a funnel, a powder storage pipe and a powder feeding nozzle. The piston rod with feeding hole can slide repeatedly horizontally. The powder in the storage tube can be quantitatively fed into the feed nozzle and fall into the glass bottle. Due to the uniform distribution of powder in the glass bottle and the uniform heat absorption at the bottom of the bottle, the cracks are reduced and the treatment quality is improved. After the second return, there are few cracks in the glass container, and the hardness and yield can be increased accordingly.

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