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玻璃瓶發(fā)揮的功能與作用 玻璃瓶發(fā)揮的功能與作用 Function and function of glass bottle Release time: 2020-08-08 Visited: 775 Times

Most of the time, we see glass bottles simply as a packaging container. However, the glass bottle packaging field is very wide, beverage, food, cosmetics, medicine. In fact, glass bottles play a role in other functions as well as packaging.

Let's talk about the role of glass bottles in wine packaging. We all know that almost all wines are packed in glass bottles, and the colors are dark. In fact, dark wine glass bottle can play a role in protecting the quality of wine, avoid wine deterioration due to light, and protect wine better storage. Let's talk about the essential oil glass bottle. In fact, the essential oil is easy to play, and the light requirements are very strict. Therefore, the essential oil glass bottle should protect the essential oil from volatilization.

Then, glass bottles should do more in food, medicine and other fields. For example, food needs quality assurance, how to further enhance the shelf life of food through glass bottle packaging is very necessary.

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